Sara B Stern’s

Head Trash Removal Service

As easy as one - two - three

We all have head trash

Now there is a cheap and easy way to remove it

Here is how it works.

One - choose your preferred service

Two - fill out the form with as much detail as possible

Three - schedule it for pick up

Our Services

  • DIY one time pick up

    Your head trash has been piling up and you need a large pick up. This is a common option when you’re just getting started. Put all of your head trash down in one place and we will pick it all up at once. Benefits for you: a clean slate to either add head trash or feel the freedom of not having it.

  • DIY monthly pick up

    Receive a monthly reminder to take out your head trash. This reminder will come to your inbox, complete with a place to put your head trash. Many people leave a large amount of head trash during their first month to clean out their minds. This method is recommended.

  • Full service

    For those with extra stinky head trash spend one hour with our head trash slayer to work through some of the extra tough stuff. Those who choose this option will receive an email with our slayer’s availability. This option is best for those who plan to prepare in advance for the conversation.

The fine print

Important Information About Head Trash Removal

head trash has a way of coming back | sometimes in the same form, sometimes in a new, sneaky form | having head trash is often a sign that you’re going in the right direction | working through your head trash is a life-long process | if you think you’re failing when it comes to head trash, you’re experiencing head trash | this entire page is my 2024 April Fool’s Day joke and I have head trash about sharing it | trashing head trash is sometimes fun and sometimes easy and sometimes it isn’t